Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Marie-Louise Von Franz's Psychological Meaning of Redemption Motifs in Fairy Tales

It's been quite a while since I've been challenged by anything I've read. Sure, I tried to read Penrose's Cycles of Time and I didn't understand a whit of it. So that was outside my understanding but this is within it. I can just barely, if I read slowly enough and take time after each paragraph to think, comprehend the things written in this book. I am no Jungian expert myself, so ideas of Ego/Self/Shadow are a little convoluted in my head. Thank you internet gods, for Wikipedia.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

LightBoxes by Shane Jones

reading now

Pleadian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow

Woah. What a fun way to challenge, basically ANY belief system. Meditate with your third eye in the galactic center, have orgasmic sex, and be prepared for the 2012 winter solstice 'cause baby, the inter-dimentsional beings are coming.


Program or Be Programmed by Rushoff

Rushoff made some great points about identity on the internet- but he failed just short of stating anything other than the obvious.