Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Mistborn Trilogy by Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson has proven to me that yet again I do not need dragons to love a fantasy world. (Though they are preferred) The trilogy follows a young girl named Vin through her heroic adventures to overthrow the final empire and become the wife of the new emperor. Vin is a "special young lady" with mistborn powers. Mistborns, in case you're not aware, have the power to burn all 16(?) alchemical metals in their stomachs. By swallowing different alloys or pure metals, mistborns can gain all kinds of things like strength, perception, and the ability to push or pull their bodies against other metals in their surroundings. The characterization is successful, as is the world-building. There was a bit too much fighting for my tastes but I read it all without any boredom. I didn't even have to skip sections. I can proudly say I read all +2200 pages. Also, the ending was a beautiful perfect bow.
Mistborn: The Final Empire
The Well Of Ascension
The Hero of Ages

I give this series a 4/5- low if only for personal taste.

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