Saturday, October 1, 2011

Indian Killer by Sherman Badass Alexie

Sherman Alexie rules.
Indian Killer is not just a cool story. It's not even a cool story about Indians. It's a complete analysis and critique about the historical and current tension between white Americans and the Native Americans that they stole everything from WHILE telling a great story. The plot takes place in Seattle, not on a reservation. It deals with the Indians that have tried to assimilate into the white culture but of course, they carry their dark skin, their Indian blood, and for that, they're spurned, falsely adored, unjustly hated, and ignored. My favorite part is when Marie Poltkin says something along the lines that maybe the ghost dance, the dance to kill all the white people, maybe it works, and maybe a couple of Indians are ghost dancing, making the Indian Killer - who is an Indian who kills, not someone who kills Indians. Anyway, it was a great length. The only thing I wished would have happened, and it would have been so apparent and crafted if it had, would be that the two most violent characters, Aaron (white) and Reggie (indian) have met. Of course, they would have killed each other and maybe we wouldn't have learned anything but it felt like the tension should have led to their meeting. It didn't and that's okay.
I think it's his best because he blended an extreme sociological/cultural situation and made a hell of a book about it.


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